Tendon Repairs

Hand therapy for tendon repairs is essential for restoring function, strength, and flexibility after a tendon injury or surgery. Tendons are the fibrous tissues that connect muscles to bones, and injuries can significantly impact hand and wrist movement. Specialized hand therapists develop personalized rehabilitation programs to promote healing, prevent complications, and help patients regain their ability to perform daily activities.
Common Symptoms
  • Pain and tenderness in the affected area
  • Swelling and inflammation
  • Stiffness and limited range of motion
  • Weakness in the hand or wrist
  • Difficulty gripping or holding objects
  • Visible changes in hand or finger alignment
  • Critical Role: Tendons play a crucial role in hand and wrist function, enabling movement and dexterity.
  • Complex Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation after tendon repair requires a carefully structured program to balance healing and mobility.
  • Custom Splints: Hand therapists often use custom splints to protect the repaired tendon and support proper healing.
  • Early Movement: Controlled early movement under the guidance of a hand therapist can promote better outcomes and reduce stiffness.
Tendon injuries can result from cuts, crush injuries, sports accidents, or overuse. These injuries can cause the tendons to partially or completely tear, impacting hand and wrist function.
Diagnosis involves a physical examination, review of symptoms, and sometimes imaging tests such as ultrasound or MRI to assess the extent of the injury.
Treatment options include surgical repair for severe injuries, followed by a comprehensive rehabilitation program involving hand therapy to restore function and strength.
Hand therapy includes a personalized treatment plan with exercises to improve range of motion and strength, manual therapy to reduce stiffness, and custom splinting to protect the repaired tendon. Education on proper hand use and activity modification is also provided.
Recovery time varies depending on the severity of the injury and adherence to the therapy program. It can range from several weeks to several months, with ongoing therapy to achieve optimal results.
While not all tendon injuries can be prevented, using proper techniques during activities, taking breaks to avoid overuse, and wearing protective gear during high-risk activities can reduce the risk.
If you experience sudden pain, swelling, or difficulty moving your hand or wrist after an injury, it is important to seek medical advice immediately for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Patient education is crucial for understanding how to care for the injured area, perform exercises correctly, and make necessary lifestyle adjustments to support healing and prevent re-injury.